Bushynose Pleco (medium)


The Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus cirrhosus) is a popular and small species of catfish often kept in aquariums to help control algae. Here's a basic care sheet for Bristlenose Plecos:

Tank Setup:

  1. Tank Size: A 20-gallon tank is suitable for a single Bristlenose Pleco. If you plan to keep more than one, or if you have a larger tank, make sure there are plenty of hiding spaces and territories for each fish.

  2. Substrate: Use a soft substrate like sand or fine gravel to prevent damage to their delicate barbels.

  3. Hiding Places: Bristlenose Plecos appreciate hiding places such as caves, driftwood, and PVC pipes. Providing hiding spots helps reduce stress and encourages natural behavior.

  4. Filtration: Good filtration is essential as Bristlenose Plecos produce a moderate amount of waste. Ensure the water flow isn't too strong, as they prefer slower-moving water.

Water Parameters:

  1. Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 72°F to 80°F (22°C to 27°C).

  2. pH Level: Maintain a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5.

  3. Water Hardness: Bristlenose Plecos prefer slightly soft to moderately hard water with a hardness level between 5 to 15 dGH.


  1. Algae: Bristlenose Plecos are excellent algae eaters. However, they should not solely rely on algae in their diet.

  2. Supplemental Feeding: Provide a well-balanced diet with high-quality sinking pellets or wafers. Supplement their diet with blanched vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, and spinach.

  3. Avoid Overfeeding: Overfeeding can lead to health issues and water quality problems. Feed them once a day, and remove any uneaten food after a few hours.


  1. Tankmates: Bristlenose Plecos are generally peaceful. They can be kept with other non-aggressive community fish that are not too large or boisterous.

  2. Avoid Aggressive Tankmates: Avoid keeping them with aggressive or territorial species that may harass or outcompete them for food.


  1. Cave for Breeding: If you want to breed Bristlenose Plecos, provide caves or hiding spots where they can lay their eggs.

  2. Separate Fry: Once the eggs hatch, separate the fry into a separate tank to protect them from being eaten by other tank inhabitants.

Health Considerations:

  1. Monitor Barbel Health: Check the barbels regularly for signs of damage. Damaged barbels can indicate poor water quality or rough substrate.

  2. Quarantine New Fish: Quarantine new fish before introducing them to the main tank to prevent the spread of diseases.

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