Pleco - Royal Thunder Line (2-3in)


The L-027 pleco, also known as the Royal Pleco or the Tapajos Pleco, is a species of freshwater catfish belonging to the family Loricariidae. This pleco is known for its distinctive appearance and striking coloration.

Here are some key characteristics and care considerations for the L-027 Royal Pleco:

  1. Appearance: The L-027 Royal Pleco is named for its L-number designation and is often called the "Tapajos Pleco" due to its origin in the Tapajos River in Brazil. It has a dark body color with bold white or light markings, giving it a visually appealing contrast.

  2. Size: This pleco species can grow to be around 10-12 inches (25-30 cm) or even slightly larger. As a result, it requires a spacious aquarium to accommodate its size.

  3. Tank Setup: Provide plenty of hiding spots like caves, driftwood, and rocks, as well as open areas for swimming. They appreciate well-decorated tanks with hiding places, as well as good water quality and filtration.

  4. Water Parameters: Maintain the water temperature around 75-82°F (24-28°C) and keep the pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. The water hardness should be relatively moderate.

  5. Diet: L-027 Royal Plecos are omnivorous and require a balanced diet. Offer them high-quality sinking pellets or tablets formulated for omnivorous catfish. Include protein-rich foods like frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, and occasional vegetable matter.

  6. Tank Mates: Royal Plecos are generally peaceful, but they can become territorial as they mature. Choose tank mates that are peaceful and won't outcompete them for resources. Avoid housing them with aggressive or much larger fish.

  7. Breeding: Breeding L-027 Royal Plecos can be challenging due to their specific requirements. Like many other plecos, they are cavity spawners, meaning they need appropriate hiding spots or caves for spawning. Breeding behavior might not be commonly observed in captivity.

The L-027 Royal Pleco is a sought-after species in the aquarium hobby due to its unique coloration and appearance. As with any fish species, it's important to research their care requirements thoroughly and ensure that your aquarium setup meets their needs before acquiring one. Providing the right environment and diet will contribute to the health and well-being of these captivating catfish.

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