Goby - Gudgeon Blue
The Blue Gudgeon Goby (Mogurnda mogurnda) is a beautiful and colorful freshwater fish native to Australia. Here are the general requirements for keeping a Blue Gudgeon Goby in an aquarium:
Tank size: Blue Gudgeon Gobies can be kept in a tank with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons (75 liters) for a pair or small group. However, providing a larger tank will offer more swimming space and accommodate additional tankmates.
Water parameters: Maintain stable water conditions within the following parameters: temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C), pH around 6.5-7.5, and hardness between 5-15 dGH. Regular monitoring of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels is important, with zero levels being the goal.
Tank setup: Blue Gudgeon Gobies appreciate a well-decorated tank with plenty of hiding spots, caves, and vegetation. Utilize driftwood, rocks, and plants to create hiding places and provide a natural environment. Ensure good filtration and perform regular water changes to maintain water quality.
Lighting: Blue Gudgeon Gobies do not have specific lighting requirements. Providing moderate lighting that replicates natural day and night cycles is suitable.
Diet: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are carnivorous and primarily feed on small invertebrates and insects in the wild. Offer them a varied diet consisting of high-quality, protein-rich foods such as live or frozen small insects, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other small invertebrates. They may also accept high-quality prepared foods in the form of pellets or flakes.
Tankmates: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are generally peaceful but can be territorial towards their own species or similar-looking fish. They can be kept with other peaceful community fish that are not overly aggressive or fin-nipping. Avoid keeping them with large or aggressive fish that may harm or intimidate them.
Water quality: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are sensitive to poor water quality. Ensure the tank is properly cycled and maintain good water parameters by regularly monitoring and performing water changes as needed.
Remember to provide a stable and well-maintained environment for Blue Gudgeon Gobies. Providing a suitable tank setup, proper diet, and compatible tankmates are crucial for their health and well-being. Research the specific requirements of the species and consult with experienced aquarists or fish experts for further care guidelines.
The Blue Gudgeon Goby (Mogurnda mogurnda) is a beautiful and colorful freshwater fish native to Australia. Here are the general requirements for keeping a Blue Gudgeon Goby in an aquarium:
Tank size: Blue Gudgeon Gobies can be kept in a tank with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons (75 liters) for a pair or small group. However, providing a larger tank will offer more swimming space and accommodate additional tankmates.
Water parameters: Maintain stable water conditions within the following parameters: temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C), pH around 6.5-7.5, and hardness between 5-15 dGH. Regular monitoring of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels is important, with zero levels being the goal.
Tank setup: Blue Gudgeon Gobies appreciate a well-decorated tank with plenty of hiding spots, caves, and vegetation. Utilize driftwood, rocks, and plants to create hiding places and provide a natural environment. Ensure good filtration and perform regular water changes to maintain water quality.
Lighting: Blue Gudgeon Gobies do not have specific lighting requirements. Providing moderate lighting that replicates natural day and night cycles is suitable.
Diet: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are carnivorous and primarily feed on small invertebrates and insects in the wild. Offer them a varied diet consisting of high-quality, protein-rich foods such as live or frozen small insects, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other small invertebrates. They may also accept high-quality prepared foods in the form of pellets or flakes.
Tankmates: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are generally peaceful but can be territorial towards their own species or similar-looking fish. They can be kept with other peaceful community fish that are not overly aggressive or fin-nipping. Avoid keeping them with large or aggressive fish that may harm or intimidate them.
Water quality: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are sensitive to poor water quality. Ensure the tank is properly cycled and maintain good water parameters by regularly monitoring and performing water changes as needed.
Remember to provide a stable and well-maintained environment for Blue Gudgeon Gobies. Providing a suitable tank setup, proper diet, and compatible tankmates are crucial for their health and well-being. Research the specific requirements of the species and consult with experienced aquarists or fish experts for further care guidelines.
The Blue Gudgeon Goby (Mogurnda mogurnda) is a beautiful and colorful freshwater fish native to Australia. Here are the general requirements for keeping a Blue Gudgeon Goby in an aquarium:
Tank size: Blue Gudgeon Gobies can be kept in a tank with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons (75 liters) for a pair or small group. However, providing a larger tank will offer more swimming space and accommodate additional tankmates.
Water parameters: Maintain stable water conditions within the following parameters: temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C), pH around 6.5-7.5, and hardness between 5-15 dGH. Regular monitoring of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels is important, with zero levels being the goal.
Tank setup: Blue Gudgeon Gobies appreciate a well-decorated tank with plenty of hiding spots, caves, and vegetation. Utilize driftwood, rocks, and plants to create hiding places and provide a natural environment. Ensure good filtration and perform regular water changes to maintain water quality.
Lighting: Blue Gudgeon Gobies do not have specific lighting requirements. Providing moderate lighting that replicates natural day and night cycles is suitable.
Diet: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are carnivorous and primarily feed on small invertebrates and insects in the wild. Offer them a varied diet consisting of high-quality, protein-rich foods such as live or frozen small insects, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other small invertebrates. They may also accept high-quality prepared foods in the form of pellets or flakes.
Tankmates: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are generally peaceful but can be territorial towards their own species or similar-looking fish. They can be kept with other peaceful community fish that are not overly aggressive or fin-nipping. Avoid keeping them with large or aggressive fish that may harm or intimidate them.
Water quality: Blue Gudgeon Gobies are sensitive to poor water quality. Ensure the tank is properly cycled and maintain good water parameters by regularly monitoring and performing water changes as needed.
Remember to provide a stable and well-maintained environment for Blue Gudgeon Gobies. Providing a suitable tank setup, proper diet, and compatible tankmates are crucial for their health and well-being. Research the specific requirements of the species and consult with experienced aquarists or fish experts for further care guidelines.