Catfish - Raphael Spotted


Keeping Raphael Spotted Catfish (Agamyxis pectinifrons) requires specific care and attention to ensure their well-being. Here are the essential requirements for keeping Raphael Spotted Catfish:

  1. Aquarium size: Provide a spacious aquarium with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons (113 liters) for a single Raphael Spotted Catfish. Larger tanks are recommended if keeping a group or if housing them with other tank mates.

  2. Water parameters: Maintain stable water conditions. The ideal temperature range is around 75-80°F (24-27°C), pH between 6.5-7.5, and hardness between 5-12 dGH. Regular monitoring and appropriate water adjustments are necessary.

  3. Tank setup: Create a well-decorated tank with plenty of hiding places using rocks, driftwood, and caves. Raphael Spotted Catfish are nocturnal and enjoy hiding during the day. Use a soft substrate like sand or smooth gravel to protect their delicate barbels.

  4. Filtration and water flow: Use an efficient filtration system to maintain good water quality. Moderate water flow is suitable for Raphael Spotted Catfish, as they prefer calmer waters compared to some other species.

  5. Lighting: Provide subdued lighting conditions. Use a lighting system that mimics natural day and night cycles, with dimmer lighting during the day and darkness during the night.

  6. Diet: Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods. Raphael Spotted Catfish are omnivorous, so provide a mix of protein-rich foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and sinking carnivore pellets, as well as some plant matter like blanched vegetables or spirulina-based flakes.

  7. Tank mates: Choose compatible tank mates that are peaceful and won't harm or stress the Raphael Spotted Catfish. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include peaceful community fish, tetras, or other catfish species.

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Keeping Raphael Spotted Catfish (Agamyxis pectinifrons) requires specific care and attention to ensure their well-being. Here are the essential requirements for keeping Raphael Spotted Catfish:

  1. Aquarium size: Provide a spacious aquarium with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons (113 liters) for a single Raphael Spotted Catfish. Larger tanks are recommended if keeping a group or if housing them with other tank mates.

  2. Water parameters: Maintain stable water conditions. The ideal temperature range is around 75-80°F (24-27°C), pH between 6.5-7.5, and hardness between 5-12 dGH. Regular monitoring and appropriate water adjustments are necessary.

  3. Tank setup: Create a well-decorated tank with plenty of hiding places using rocks, driftwood, and caves. Raphael Spotted Catfish are nocturnal and enjoy hiding during the day. Use a soft substrate like sand or smooth gravel to protect their delicate barbels.

  4. Filtration and water flow: Use an efficient filtration system to maintain good water quality. Moderate water flow is suitable for Raphael Spotted Catfish, as they prefer calmer waters compared to some other species.

  5. Lighting: Provide subdued lighting conditions. Use a lighting system that mimics natural day and night cycles, with dimmer lighting during the day and darkness during the night.

  6. Diet: Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods. Raphael Spotted Catfish are omnivorous, so provide a mix of protein-rich foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and sinking carnivore pellets, as well as some plant matter like blanched vegetables or spirulina-based flakes.

  7. Tank mates: Choose compatible tank mates that are peaceful and won't harm or stress the Raphael Spotted Catfish. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include peaceful community fish, tetras, or other catfish species.

Keeping Raphael Spotted Catfish (Agamyxis pectinifrons) requires specific care and attention to ensure their well-being. Here are the essential requirements for keeping Raphael Spotted Catfish:

  1. Aquarium size: Provide a spacious aquarium with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons (113 liters) for a single Raphael Spotted Catfish. Larger tanks are recommended if keeping a group or if housing them with other tank mates.

  2. Water parameters: Maintain stable water conditions. The ideal temperature range is around 75-80°F (24-27°C), pH between 6.5-7.5, and hardness between 5-12 dGH. Regular monitoring and appropriate water adjustments are necessary.

  3. Tank setup: Create a well-decorated tank with plenty of hiding places using rocks, driftwood, and caves. Raphael Spotted Catfish are nocturnal and enjoy hiding during the day. Use a soft substrate like sand or smooth gravel to protect their delicate barbels.

  4. Filtration and water flow: Use an efficient filtration system to maintain good water quality. Moderate water flow is suitable for Raphael Spotted Catfish, as they prefer calmer waters compared to some other species.

  5. Lighting: Provide subdued lighting conditions. Use a lighting system that mimics natural day and night cycles, with dimmer lighting during the day and darkness during the night.

  6. Diet: Offer a varied diet consisting of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods. Raphael Spotted Catfish are omnivorous, so provide a mix of protein-rich foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and sinking carnivore pellets, as well as some plant matter like blanched vegetables or spirulina-based flakes.

  7. Tank mates: Choose compatible tank mates that are peaceful and won't harm or stress the Raphael Spotted Catfish. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include peaceful community fish, tetras, or other catfish species.

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