Barb - Rosy


Species Overview: Rosy Barbs are native to South Asia and belong to the Cyprinidae family. They come in various color variations, with the rosy-red form being the most common. Rosy Barbs are hardy and well-suited for beginner and intermediate aquarists.

Aquarium Setup:

  1. Tank Size: A tank of at least 20 gallons is suitable for a small group of Rosy Barbs. They are social fish and should be kept in groups of 6 or more to minimize stress and aggression.

  2. Water Parameters: Maintain stable water parameters including temperature (72-79°F or 22-26°C), pH (6.0-7.5), and moderate water hardness.

  3. Tank Decor: Provide plenty of plants (live or artificial) and hiding spots. Rosy Barbs enjoy swimming in open spaces but also appreciate having places to retreat.


  1. Diet: Rosy Barbs are omnivores. Offer a varied diet including high-quality flake or pellet food, as well as live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.

  2. Feeding Frequency: Feed them 2-3 times a day in small portions they can consume within a few minutes.


  1. Schooling Behavior: Rosy Barbs are schooling fish and feel more secure in a group. Keeping them in a school reduces stress and promotes natural behavior.

  2. Aggression: While Rosy Barbs are generally peaceful, males might display territorial or chasing behavior, especially during breeding.


  1. Tankmates: Rosy Barbs are compatible with other peaceful community fish that share similar water requirements.


  1. Water Changes: Regular water changes are important for maintaining water quality and keeping your fish healthy.

  2. Observation: Regularly observe the Rosy Barbs for signs of disease, stress, or aggressive behavior.

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