African - Damasoni (2in)


The Damasoni Cichlid, scientifically known as Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei," is a popular cichlid species originating from Lake Malawi in East Africa. Here's some information on caring for Damasoni cichlids:

Tank Requirements:

  • Tank Size for Damasoni Cichlids: Provide a tank with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons for a small group of Damasoni cichlids. Larger tanks are recommended for larger groups or if keeping them with other fish.

  • Water Temperature for Damasoni Cichlids: Maintain a temperature between 76-82°F (24-28°C).

  • Water Parameters for Damasoni Cichlids: Aim for a pH level of 7.8-8.6 and a water hardness of 10-20 dGH.

  • Tank Setup for Damasoni Cichlids: Use a substrate of sand or fine gravel. Provide plenty of rock formations and caves to create hiding spots, territories, and visual barriers. Decorate the tank with suitable rockwork and driftwood.


  • Damasoni Cichlid Diet: They are primarily herbivorous, feeding on algae and plant matter in the wild. In captivity, offer a varied diet that includes high-quality herbivore cichlid pellets or flakes as the staple. Supplement their diet with occasional feedings of spirulina-based foods, blanched vegetables, or algae wafers.


  • Compatible Tankmates for Damasoni Cichlids: They are known for their aggression and territorial behavior. It's best to keep them in a species-specific tank with other Damasoni cichlids or other Lake Malawi cichlid species with similar aggression levels and habitat requirements.


  • Water Changes for Damasoni Cichlids: Perform regular water changes of 25-30% every 1-2 weeks to maintain water quality and remove accumulated toxins.

  • Water Testing for Damasoni Cichlids: Regularly test water parameters, including ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and temperature, to ensure they remain within the appropriate range.

  • Cleaning: Routinely clean the tank by removing any excess waste, debris, and decaying matter. Clean the filter regularly to ensure efficient water circulation.

Behavior and Health:

  • Damasoni cichlids are territorial and can be aggressive, especially towards conspecifics and similar-looking cichlids. Provide ample hiding spots and territories within the tank to minimize aggression.

  • Signs of Good Health: Look for active swimming, vibrant colors, intact fins, clear eyes, and a healthy appetite. Any signs of illness, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, abnormal behavior, or physical abnormalities, should be promptly addressed.

By providing suitable tank conditions, a balanced diet, and appropriate tankmates, you can create a healthy and captivating environment for your Damasoni cichlids. Monitoring their behavior and providing adequate territories will help maintain harmony within the aquarium.

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