

Oulophyllia corals are often highly sought after in the aquarium trade due to their beautiful colors and unique patterns. Here's some information on the care of Oulophyllia corals:

  1. Water Parameters:

    • Temperature: Oulophyllia corals thrive in temperatures ranging from 74°F to 82°F (23°C to 28°C).

    • Salinity: Maintain a stable salinity level between 1.023 and 1.025 specific gravity.

    • pH: Aim for a pH level of around 8.1 to 8.4.

    • Alkalinity and Calcium: Ensure appropriate levels of alkalinity (8-12 dKH) and calcium (380-450 ppm) to support coral growth and skeletal development.

    • Nitrate and Phosphate: Keep nitrate levels below 10 ppm and phosphate levels below 0.05 ppm to prevent excessive algae growth and promote coral health.

  2. Lighting:

    • Oulophyllia corals require moderate to high lighting conditions. They have zooxanthellae that provide much of their nutrition through photosynthesis.

    • Provide them with a suitable spectrum of light, such as a combination of blue and white LEDs or T5 fluorescent bulbs.

  3. Water Flow:

    • Moderate water flow is generally suitable for Oulophyllia corals. It helps remove waste, provides oxygenation, and prevents debris from settling on the coral.

    • Ensure there is enough flow to keep the coral clean, but avoid placing it in an area with excessively strong or turbulent flow that may cause tissue damage.

  4. Feeding:

    • Oulophyllia corals are primarily photosynthetic and obtain much of their nutrition from symbiotic zooxanthellae. Adequate lighting is crucial for the zooxanthellae to thrive.

    • While they can capture some small food particles from the water column, Oulophyllia corals have relatively low feeding requirements compared to some other corals.

    • However, supplemental feeding with coral-specific planktonic foods can be beneficial. You can occasionally target feed them using a turkey baster or a pipette.

  5. Placement:

    • Oulophyllia corals should be placed in an area with appropriate lighting and water flow.

    • Provide sufficient space for their growth and expansion without interfering with neighboring corals.

  6. Regular Maintenance:

    • Regularly monitor water parameters using reliable test kits and maintain stable conditions.

    • Perform routine water changes to replenish trace elements and maintain water quality.

    • Keep an eye out for any signs of stress, such as tissue recession, pale coloration, or tissue erosion, and take appropriate action if needed.

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