Caulustrea - Neon Green


Caulastrea corals, also known as candy cane corals or trumpet corals, can be a beautiful addition to a reef aquarium. Here are some general care guidelines to help you provide a suitable environment for Caulastrea corals:

  1. Water Parameters:

    • Temperature: Caulastrea corals thrive in temperatures ranging from 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C).

    • Salinity: Maintain a stable salinity level between 1.023 and 1.025 specific gravity.

    • pH: Aim for a pH level of around 8.1 to 8.4.

    • Alkalinity and Calcium: Maintain appropriate levels of alkalinity (8-12 dKH) and calcium (380-450 ppm) to support coral growth and skeletal development.

    • Nitrate and Phosphate: Keep nitrate levels below 10 ppm and phosphate levels below 0.05 ppm to minimize the risk of excessive algae growth.

  2. Lighting:

    • Caulastrea corals require moderate lighting. Provide them with a suitable spectrum of light, typically with a combination of blue and white LEDs or T5 fluorescent bulbs.

    • Adjust the light intensity based on the coral's response. If the coral appears to be bleaching or the tissue is receding, it may be an indication of too much light, and you should reduce the intensity.

  3. Water Flow:

    • Moderate water flow is ideal for Caulastrea corals. It helps remove waste, provides oxygenation, and prevents debris from settling on the coral.

    • Ensure there is enough flow to prevent detritus buildup, but not so strong that it causes the coral's tentacles to be constantly swept away.

  4. Feeding:

    • Caulastrea corals have both photosynthetic and heterotrophic feeding capabilities.

    • They primarily obtain nutrients through photosynthesis from symbiotic zooxanthellae. Adequate lighting is crucial for the zooxanthellae to thrive.

    • Additionally, Caulastrea corals can benefit from supplemental feeding. You can target feed them with a variety of small meaty foods such as microplankton, rotifers, or zooplankton.

    • Feed them once or twice a week, being careful not to overfeed, as excess nutrients can negatively impact water quality.

  5. Placement:

    • Caulastrea corals should be placed in a location with appropriate lighting and water flow, ensuring they have enough space to expand their tentacles.

    • Be mindful of their aggressive nature towards neighboring corals, as they can extend their sweeper tentacles at night. Provide sufficient spacing to prevent territorial disputes.

  6. Regular Maintenance:

    • Regularly monitor water parameters using reliable test kits and maintain stable conditions.

    • Perform routine water changes to replenish trace elements and maintain water quality.

    • Keep an eye out for any signs of stress, such as tissue recession, bleaching, or changes in coloration, and take appropriate action if needed.

Remember, these care guidelines are general recommendations, and specific requirements may vary between different species and individual corals. It's always a good idea to research the specific needs of the Caulastrea species you have or plan to acquire, as well as observe and adjust care based on the coral's response to ensure their well-being in your aquarium.

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