Blasto -Bella Blue


Blastomussa corals, commonly known as Blasto corals or Pineapple corals, are a type of LPS (Large Polyp Stony) coral that are favored for their stunning colors and unique polyp structures. They have fleshy polyps that resemble small brains or clusters of grapes. Here are care tips for Blasto corals:

  • Water Parameters: Temperature: 74-80°F (23-27°C), Salinity: 1.023-1.025, pH: 8.1-8.4, Calcium: 380-450 ppm, Alkalinity: 8-12 dKH.

  • Lighting and Placement: Blasto corals thrive under moderate to high-intensity lighting. Metal halides, T5 fluorescent, or LED lights with a balanced spectrum are commonly used. Place them in the lower to middle part of the aquarium where they can receive moderate lighting. They can tolerate moderate water flow.

  • Feeding: Blasto corals are primarily photosynthetic and receive nutrition from their symbiotic zooxanthellae. However, they can also benefit from supplemental feeding. While not strictly necessary, you can occasionally target feed them with small meaty foods such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or coral-specific liquid or powdered foods to enhance their growth and coloration.

  • Growth and Placement: Blasto corals have fleshy polyps that expand and contract. When placing them in the aquarium, provide enough space for their polyps to extend without touching or interfering with other corals. They can be placed on the substrate or attached to rocks.

Propagation of Blasto corals can be done through division or fragmentation. Carefully separating a larger colony into smaller sections or fragging off individual polyps can help propagate new colonies. Fragments can be attached to plugs or rocks using fragging epoxy or other suitable methods.

Maintain stable water parameters, provide appropriate lighting, and ensure good water quality to support the health and growth of Blasto corals. Regularly monitor their condition and growth, and be cautious with their placement to prevent damage or aggression from neighboring corals.

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